A tale of two ass-holes

Our story began August 27th, 2018. David was all alone, with no one by his side. He was a man of vision and he had his sights set on creating a platform to express his appreciation for his two great loves, finely shaped / well manicured facial hair and craft beer. Thus, Beard Me That Beer was born. For one whole year, an exercise of poorly honed decision making skills, he suffered through two full seasons of loneliness in an attempt at making enjoyable content.

Shortly thereafter, David made the best, greatest, most amazing decision he could make, in the history of ever. He messaged his best friend Sam, an eclectic shut-in, with an idea. Sam had previously been a guest and had helped a number of times on Beard Me That Beer, but David was determined to make him a full time host. On June 28th, 2019, Sam made the biggest mistake of his life. He became the other half of Beard Me That Beer.

Fast forward one year and Beard Me That Beer is stronger than ever! We do videos, podcasts, short excerpts, photos and soon live streaming. We hope you enjoy or hate the content. Either way, we don't care; this is our creative outlet and we enjoy it.

Keep drinking, keep listening.


David is Sam's friend. David drinks beer. David likes making videos and podcasts. David really likes dark beer, he believes there is not enough non-ipa beers in San Diego, but guess what? Beer is Beer, and he is going to drink it. David's motto is "if you got enough craft beers in you, anything is possible."

Check out David's Instagram


Sam is David's friend. Being a morally conscious individual with empathy, Sam could not stand idly by while his inconspicuosly handsome mate spent hours agonizingly developing Beard Me That Beer on his lonesome and decided to lend a hand. Sam is not a quote unquote "Beer-do"; lacking social skills as well as any discernable pallet for alchohol, Sam simply likes to have a good time.

Check out Sam's Instagram